It is the last week of Raili Salojävi's exhibition "Eläintarinoita", and we will end the exhibition with a quick drawing and colouring contest!
"Lapin Poro" (Lapland Reindeer) at Mai-Art Gallery
25.03. - 31.03.
How to participate:
1. a) Visit, within covid restrictions, Mai-Art Gallery to see Raili Salojärvi's exhibition.
b) Take the virtual tour at Mai-Art Gallery through this link: [LINK]
2. Grab the Lapin Poro (Lapland Reindeer) colouring picture from Mai-Art Gallery or download it from this link: [LINK]
3. Colour the picture at home. You can add to the picture what you like, text, drawings, whatever you feel like. Or how about drawing your own picture of the reindeer!
4. Come up with your own artist name and sign your work.
5. Return your drawing to Mai-Art, or send it to our email (, don't forget to include in the subject line "Lapin Poro".
Remember that the last day to last day to participate is 31.03!
As we recieve the drawings we will publish them in our facebook and instagram with the hashtag #lapinporo
After the contest we will choose the winners with Raili Salojävi as follows:
a) Choise of Raili Salojärvi
b) Choise of Mai-Art Team
c) Most facebook likes
d) Most instagram likes
All winners will recieve a prize from Mai-Art and their drawings will be displayed at Mai-Art windown in April 2021
Good luck and have fun!