Cogito, ergo sum. Temporis momento existo. Et tu? - Veera Romanoff

"Cogito ergo sum. Temporis momento existo. Et tu?"

"I think, therefore I exist" - these words of Descartes become the starting point for thinking about identity. In a world where everyone is labelled - man, woman, young, old, black, white - the question arises: what really matters? Perhaps it's not who we are in the eyes of others, but that we simply exist - while we still exist.

The author was inspired by the words of philosopher Boris Groys:

"As for me personally, I don't feel bound to any identity at all. I don't feel male, white, Russian; I don't even, unfortunately, feel old - who I am. Nevertheless, I know that others primarily see me this way - as a Russian - and I am forced to constantly take this into account."

The exhibition presents a series of works that deny the obvious identities imposed on us by society and aims to emphasise the very fact of existence. The artist reminds us: what matters is not the label that is attributed to us, but what we are in the present moment.

The culmination - the work with the statement "I am!" - expresses this simple idea. What matters is not who we appear to others to be, but that we continue to exist in the here and now.

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